Summer Feeding Site at All Children’s in St. Pete Pilot

Team Members

Caitlyn Peacock, Chair
caitlyn.peacock (at)

Kellie Gilmore, All Childrens’s Hospital
Lynn Geist, Food Nutrition Services, Pinellas County Schools

Project Description:


To expand SFSP aka BreakSpot by increasing sites at atypical locations, including hospitals.

Mission: To help end Childhood Summer-time hunger by increasing SFSP aka BreakSpot sites.

Objective: Create one new SFSP aka BreakSpot site at a Tampa Bay Hospital for Summer 2017.

Caitlyn set up a phone call with DACS and All Children’s to discuss how other hospitals in different parts of the country have implemented SFSP at their site. The next steps were to do a hospital site visit and look to see what would make the most sense as far as where the meal would be served and how people would be screened (as only children under 18 are eligible). After the site visit, All Children’s took the idea to Senior Leadership and is waiting on a go ahead to begin paperwork to implement program. The goal is to give a voucher to all children that are at the hospital and they would be able to redeem the voucher for a free meal during the lunch time at the cafeteria. We are working to see if the current POS program the hospital uses can work in the voucher as a means of payment to keep track of meals served.

Next Steps: To get Senior Leadership Approval from hospital then finalize logistics before March 31, 2017.